The best and brightest in Digital Marketing in a city near you!
50+ in-depth sessions & workshops will not only help you stay ahead of the latest digital trends but also provide you with tons practical, game-changing takeaways you can immediately apply to your marketing strategy. And, Metric will be at several locations, sharing the wealth!
Hang out with other local business people & get up-to-date.
Keep an eye out for our next local training.
Completely custom and delivered in-house
Strategic guidance created just for you and delivered directly to your team. We will develop a plan and curriculum to meet your business’ specific needs, propelling your company to meet strategic marketing goals, and insuring each team member is trained and on the same page.
Classes are led by Hannah McNaughton, Metric Marketing’s founder and CEO. Hannah shares her expertise through Search Engine Journal authorship as well as through teaching intensive search engine optimization (SEO) training courses throughout the nation. She will be leading 4-hour SEO workshops at the upcoming Digital Summit conferences in Minneapolis, Raleigh, and more.
Additional speakers may also present at select training sessions.
More About HannahThere are currently no events planned. However, see where we have been.
Attendees will be taught the tools they need to develop and implement effective Internet marketing strategies, measure the effectiveness of their efforts, and prioritize future marketing decisions. Topics include how to craft high-value original content, marketing strategy development, search engine optimization, social media, and more.
Need a little more than training?
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