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Tiffany McIntyre

Content Writer

Tiffany’s affinity for writing started from the moment she learned how to put a pen to paper. Her passion grew at Michigan State University where she studied English Literature and Professional Writing. She spent two years as the head marketing intern at The Women’s Center of Greater Lansing, and over a year as a content writer at an internationally recognized film company. Outside of marketing, Tiffany dedicated her time building communication skills through a Toastmasters public speaking club and teaching English as a Foreign Language through Lansing’s Refugee Development Center, a Lansing-based non-profit. Tiffany’s background in literary research, digital marketing, and creative writing weave together well to produce strong professional content.

In her spare time, Tiffany loves hiking or running Oregon’s trails, exploring the Cascades and coastal range. When she isn’t up in the mountains, you can find her at the local coffee shop journaling and reading with her mug of black coffee (and let’s be honest, probably a cookie, too).