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FAQ Category: SEO


What is SEO?

More than one billion Internet searches are conducted every hour. How do you make sure users can find your website? Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the search rankings of a website, which makes it more visible in search results. If you…

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digital marketers showing return on investment

How do I know digital marketing is worth the investment?

As one of the top professionals in your industry, your services aren’t cheap. You are experienced, great at what you do, and have a track record to prove it. So, when it comes to digital marketing, why do you expect cheap, quick fixes to be…

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Pink Piggy Bank Rocketing From the Ground

How long does it take to see digital marketing results?

As a business owner, you’re likely eager to see the results of your marketing efforts. You may have heard varying answers to the question, “How long does it take for marketing to work?” Three months? Six months? A year (or longer)? Who’s right? 6 Variables…

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Why can’t you just

Why can’t you just “SEO my website?”

The ever-changing digital marketing ecosystem requires an expansive approach. Just like building a home, building a digital marketing presence requires more than one type of service—and every piece of the puzzle is as important as the next. At Metric Marketing, our hourly plans include access…

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digital marketing team working together for clients

Why do I need a digital marketing team?

A lot of steps go into digital marketing. To name a few: foundational research, website audit and redesign, website development and updates, strategy development, content marketing, social media marketing and management, video marketing, press work, email marketing, graphic design, paid search campaign management, and search…

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Can one person handle a company's marketing?

Can one person handle a company’s marketing?

According to Capital One, 76% of business owners face marketing challenges, with 39% claiming they have not executed any marketing initiatives in the past six months; 18% of business owners struggle with getting advice on best marketing approaches; and 41% of business owners struggle to…

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